How to Get Rid of an Anxiety Attack: 7 Simple Steps for Immediate Relief

Immediate Relief for Anxiety Attacks

If you're looking for anxiety attack help, you're not alone. Many people experience these sudden surges of intense fear and discomfort. Here’s a quick solution for immediate relief:

  1. Practice deep breathing: Slow, controlled breaths can calm your body's stress response.

  2. Use grounding techniques: Focus on physical sensations to stay present.

  3. Engage in light physical activity: A short walk can help release tension.

  4. Find a peaceful spot: Retreat to a quiet place to gather your thoughts.

  5. Repeat a mantra: Positive affirmations can refocus your mind.

  6. Use aromatherapy: Calming scents, like lavender, may ease anxiety.

  7. Talk to someone: Reach out to a trusted friend or mental health professional.

Panic attacks can be terrifying, but they are manageable. The fear can make it hard to breathe, cause your heart to race, and make you feel out of control. Yet, with the right techniques, you can find quick, effective relief.

I'm Jacob Coyne, and I understand the struggle. I've dedicated my career to helping you steer these challenging moments with Stay Here. Let's work together to find peace and relief.

Now, let’s dive into these steps for immediate anxiety relief.

Step 1: Practice Deep Breathing

One of the most effective ways to find immediate relief during an anxiety attack is through deep breathing. This simple technique can help calm your body's stress response, making you feel more in control.

Slow Breathing

When anxiety strikes, your breathing often becomes rapid and shallow. This can make you feel even more panicked. To counteract this, focus on slow, controlled breaths.

Deep Breaths

Deep breathing involves taking full breaths from your abdomen, not just your chest. This type of breathing helps to activate your body's relaxation response.

How to do it:

  1. Sit or lie down in a comfortable position.

  2. Place one hand on your chest and the other on your abdomen.

  3. Breathe in slowly through your nose, allowing your abdomen to rise.

  4. Exhale slowly through your mouth, letting your abdomen fall.

4-7-8 Breathing

The 4-7-8 breathing technique is another powerful method to help calm your mind and body.

Steps to follow:

  1. Inhale through your nose for a count of 4.

  2. Hold your breath for a count of 7.

  3. Exhale slowly through your mouth for a count of 8.

Repeat this cycle a few times to help reduce anxiety symptoms.

Abdominal Breathing

Abdominal breathing ensures that you are taking deep breaths that fill your lungs completely. This type of breathing is particularly effective during an anxiety attack.

Steps to practice:

  1. Sit or lie down comfortably.

  2. Place one hand on your abdomen.

  3. Breathe in deeply through your nose, feeling your abdomen rise.

  4. Exhale through your mouth, feeling your abdomen fall.

Practicing these breathing techniques can make a significant difference in how you manage anxiety attacks. Next, we’ll explore grounding techniques that can help you stay present.

Step 2: Use Grounding Techniques

Grounding techniques are powerful tools to bring your focus back to the present moment during an anxiety attack. They help distract your mind from distressing feelings and anchor you to your current surroundings.

The 5-4-3-2-1 Method

The 5-4-3-2-1 method is a sensory grounding technique that involves engaging all your senses to help you stay grounded.

Here's how to do it:

  1. Identify 5 things you can see: Look around and name five things you can see. It could be anything from a clock on the wall to a plant on your desk.

  2. Identify 4 things you can touch: Notice four things you can physically feel, like the texture of your clothes or the coolness of a desk.

  3. Identify 3 things you can hear: Listen for three distinct sounds. It might be the hum of a computer, the chirping of birds, or distant traffic.

  4. Identify 2 things you can smell: Take note of two scents around you. It could be the smell of your coffee or a nearby flower.

  5. Identify 1 thing you can taste: Focus on one thing you can taste. If you don’t have anything to taste, just notice the taste in your mouth.

This method can effectively pull your thoughts away from anxiety and anchor them in the present.

Focus on Objects

When distressing thoughts overwhelm you, focusing on a single object can help ground you.

How to do it:

  • Pick an object within your view.

  • Concentrate on its details: color, shape, texture, and size.

  • Think about who made it and its purpose.

By concentrating on one stimulus, you can reduce the impact of other overwhelming stimuli.

Sensory Grounding

Engaging your senses can help bring you back to the present. Here are some sensory grounding techniques:

  • Touch: Hold a piece of ice or a textured object. Focus on how it feels in your hand.

  • Sound: Listen to music or any calming sounds. Pay attention to the different instruments or notes.

  • Sight: Look at a photo or a picture that makes you feel happy or calm.


Visualization is another effective grounding technique. Imagine yourself in a place where you feel safe and relaxed.

Steps to practice visualization:

  1. Close your eyes and take a few deep breaths.

  2. Picture a place that makes you feel calm. It could be a beach, a forest, or even a cozy room.

  3. Imagine the details: the sound of waves, the smell of pine trees, or the warmth of a fireplace.

Visualizing a happy place can help reduce anxiety symptoms and bring a sense of calm.

Using these grounding techniques can provide immediate relief during an anxiety attack. Next, we’ll discuss the benefits of engaging in light physical activity.

Step 3: Engage in Light Physical Activity

When anxiety hits, moving your body can be a quick and effective way to find relief. Light physical activity helps reduce anxiety by releasing endorphins, which are your body’s natural stress relievers.


Walking is an easy and accessible form of exercise that can help calm your mind.

Why walking works:

  • Removes you from a stressful environment: Stepping outside or walking to another room can help you get away from immediate stressors.

  • Regulates breathing: The rhythm of walking can help you control your breathing, which is often disrupted during an anxiety attack.

  • Releases endorphins: Even a short walk can trigger the release of endorphins, which improve mood and reduce stress.

Light Exercise

Engaging in light exercise, like stretching or yoga, can also be beneficial.

Types of light exercise to try:

  • Stretching: Simple stretches can help relieve muscle tension, which often accompanies anxiety.

  • Yoga: Gentle yoga poses can help you focus on your body and breath, promoting relaxation.

Muscle Relaxation

Muscle tension is a common symptom of anxiety. Practicing muscle relaxation techniques can help ease this tension and make you feel more at ease.

How to practice muscle relaxation:

  1. Tense a muscle group: Start with your feet and work your way up to your head. Tense each muscle group for about 5 seconds.

  2. Release the tension: As you release, say "relax" and let the muscle go loose.

  3. Rest for 10 seconds: Before moving on to the next muscle group, take a brief pause.

This technique, known as progressive muscle relaxation, can help reduce overall tension and make it easier to manage anxiety symptoms.

Engaging in light physical activity is a simple yet effective way to manage anxiety attacks. Next, we’ll explore the benefits of finding a peaceful spot to calm your mind.

Step 4: Find a Peaceful Spot

When you're in the midst of an anxiety attack, your surroundings can either help or worsen your symptoms. Finding a quiet place to calm down is crucial. Here’s how to use your environment to your advantage:

Quiet Place

Why it helps:

  • Reduces stimulation: A noisy, chaotic environment can amplify anxiety symptoms. A quiet place helps to minimize distracting stimuli, allowing your mind to rest.

  • Creates mental space: A peaceful setting gives you the mental space to focus on calming techniques without interruptions.

How to find a quiet place:

  • Step outside: If you're indoors, step outside to a garden, balcony, or any quiet outdoor area.

  • Find a secluded room: Look for an empty room or a less busy area where you can be alone for a few minutes.

  • Use noise-canceling headphones: If you can’t leave your current environment, noise-canceling headphones can help create a bubble of calm.

Reduce Stimulation

Why it helps:

  • Lowers sensory overload: Reducing visual and auditory stimuli can help decrease the overwhelming feelings associated with anxiety attacks.

How to reduce stimulation:

  • Close your eyes: This can help block out extra visual stimuli and make it easier to focus on your breathing.

  • Dim the lights: Bright lights can be overstimulating. Lowering the lights can create a more calming atmosphere.

  • Limit screen time: Turn off or put away devices that may add to your stress.

Mental Space

Why it helps:

  • Encourages mindfulness: A peaceful spot allows you to practice mindfulness techniques more effectively.

  • Promotes relaxation: Being in a calm environment can help your mind relax and reduce the intensity of the anxiety attack.

How to create mental space:

  • Visualize your happy place: Close your eyes and imagine a place where you feel safe and relaxed. Think of the details—sounds, smells, and textures.

  • Use grounding techniques: Focus on what you can see, hear, and touch in your peaceful spot to bring your mind back to the present.

Safe Environment

Why it helps:

  • Provides security: Knowing you are in a safe place can reduce feelings of fear and panic.

  • Offers control: Being able to control your environment can give you a sense of empowerment during an anxiety attack.

How to ensure a safe environment:

  • Communicate your needs: If you're around others, let them know you need a few moments of quiet.

  • Prepare a safe space: Identify a spot in your home or workplace that you can go to whenever you feel an anxiety attack coming on.

Finding a peaceful spot is a simple yet powerful way to manage anxiety attacks. It allows you to reduce stimulation, create mental space, and ensure a safe environment for calming down. Next, we’ll explore the benefits of repeating a mantra to help you focus and relax.

Step 5: Repeat a Mantra

Repeating a mantra can be a powerful tool for managing anxiety attacks. It helps you focus, relax, and regain control over your thoughts. Here's how to use this technique effectively:


Why it helps:

  • Focuses the mind: A mantra gives your mind something to latch onto, diverting attention away from the anxiety.

  • Creates a rhythm: The repetitive nature of a mantra can be soothing and grounding.

How to choose a mantra:

  • Simple and positive: Choose a short, positive phrase like "I am calm," "This too shall pass," or "Breathe in peace."

  • Personal meaning: Select a mantra that resonates with you personally. It can be spiritual or simply reassuring.

Positive Affirmations

Why they help:

  • Boosts confidence: Positive affirmations can counteract negative thoughts that fuel anxiety.

  • Promotes relaxation: Repeating calming statements can help soothe your mind and body.

Examples of positive affirmations:

  • "I am safe."

  • "I can handle this."

  • "I am in control."

Mental Focus

Why it helps:

  • Reduces scattered thoughts: A mantra helps gather your thoughts, making it easier to stay present.

  • Encourages mindfulness: Focusing on a single phrase helps you practice mindfulness, which can reduce anxiety.

How to maintain mental focus:

  • Repeat slowly: Say the mantra slowly, either out loud or in your mind.

  • Sync with breathing: Match the mantra with your breath. For example, inhale on "I am" and exhale on "calm."


Why it helps:

  • Eases physical tension: The calming nature of a mantra can help relax your muscles.

  • Regulates breathing: Focusing on a mantra can slow down your breathing, reducing the physical symptoms of anxiety.

Tips for using a mantra to relax:

  • Find a comfortable position: Sit or lie down in a comfortable spot.

  • Close your eyes: This can help you focus more on the mantra and less on your surroundings.

  • Repeat as needed: Keep repeating the mantra until you feel your anxiety subside.

Repeating a mantra is a straightforward yet effective way to manage anxiety attacks. It helps you focus, promotes positive thinking, and aids in relaxation. Next, we’ll discuss how aromatherapy can offer immediate relief during an anxiety attack.

Step 6: Use Aromatherapy

Aromatherapy is a simple yet effective way to find immediate relief during an anxiety attack. It uses natural scents to calm the mind and body. Here's how you can use aromatherapy to manage anxiety attacks:

Lavender Oil

Why it helps:

  • Calming properties: Lavender oil is well-known for its calming effects. Research suggests that inhaling lavender can reduce anxiety and improve mood.

  • Easy to use: You can carry a small bottle of lavender oil with you and use it whenever you feel anxious.

How to use lavender oil:

  • Inhalation: Place a few drops of lavender oil on a handkerchief or cotton ball and inhale deeply.

  • Diffuser: Use a diffuser to spread the calming scent throughout your room.

  • Topical application: Mix a few drops of lavender oil with a carrier oil (like coconut or almond oil) and apply it to your wrists or temples.

Essential Oils

Why they help:

  • Variety of options: Apart from lavender, other essential oils like chamomile, bergamot, and lemon can also help reduce anxiety.

  • Customizable: You can blend different oils to create a scent that works best for you.

How to use essential oils:

  • Direct inhalation: Simply open the bottle and take a deep breath.

  • Aromatherapy necklace: Wear a necklace designed to hold a small amount of essential oil, allowing you to inhale the scent throughout the day.

  • Bath: Add a few drops of essential oil to your bath for a calming soak.

Calming Scents

Why they help:

  • Triggers relaxation: Calming scents can trigger the brain to relax, reducing the symptoms of an anxiety attack.

  • Easy to integrate: You can easily integrate calming scents into your daily routine.

Examples of calming scents:

  • Chamomile: Known for its soothing properties.

  • Bergamot: Helps to relieve tension and lift your mood.

  • Lemon: Fresh and invigorating, yet calming.


Why it helps:

  • Immediate effect: Inhalation provides immediate relief by delivering the calming scent directly to your olfactory system.

  • Portable: You can use this method anywhere, whether you're at home, work, or on the go.

How to practice inhalation:

  • Handkerchief method: Dab a few drops of essential oil on a handkerchief and hold it close to your nose.

  • Personal inhaler: Use a personal inhaler designed for essential oils, which you can carry in your pocket or bag.

By incorporating aromatherapy into your anxiety management toolkit, you can find quick and effective relief. Next, let’s explore how talking to someone can help during an anxiety attack.

Step 7: Talk to Someone

Talking to someone can provide immediate relief during an anxiety attack. Social support is crucial for managing anxiety and finding comfort. Here are some ways to reach out:

Trusted Friend

Why it helps:

  • Emotional support: Sharing your feelings with a friend can make you feel less alone.

  • Perspective: Friends can offer a different viewpoint and help you see the situation more clearly.

How to do it:

  • Call or text: Reach out to a friend via phone or text message.

  • In-person: If possible, meet up with a friend for a face-to-face conversation.

  • Video call: Use apps like Zoom or FaceTime for a more personal touch.

Stay Here Mental Health Professional

Why it helps:

  • Expert advice: Professionals can provide strategies to manage anxiety.

  • Therapy options: They can offer therapies like Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) to help you cope.

How to find one:

  • Stay Here services: You can refer yourself directly to a Stay Here mental health professional without a GP referral.

  • Online services: Use the Stay Here platform to connect with a therapist online.

Stay Here Crisis Chat Line

Why it helps:

  • Immediate support: Get help when you need it most, even if it's in the middle of the night.

  • Confidential: The service is free and confidential, providing a safe space to talk.

How to use it:

  • Call: Dial the Stay Here crisis chat line for immediate support.

  • Text: Send a text message to get help discreetly.

  • Online chat: Use the Stay Here website to chat with a trained crisis counselor.

Social Support

Why it helps:

  • Community: Being part of a supportive community can reduce feelings of isolation.

  • Shared experiences: Knowing others have gone through similar situations can be comforting.

How to build it:

  • Support groups: Join local or online support groups for people with anxiety.

  • Community activities: Engage in community or faith-based activities to meet supportive people.

  • Online forums: Participate in forums like Reddit’s r/anxiety to share and learn from others’ experiences.

By talking to someone, you can gain immediate relief and feel more connected. Next, we'll answer some frequently asked questions about anxiety attack help.

Frequently Asked Questions about Anxiety Attack Help

What is the 3-3-3 rule for anxiety attacks?

The 3-3-3 rule is a simple grounding technique to help you regain control during an anxiety attack. Here's how it works:

  • 3 Things You Can See: Look around and name three things you can see. This could be anything like a chair, a picture, or a book.

  • 3 Things You Can Hear: Close your eyes and listen. Identify three different sounds you can hear, such as birds chirping, a clock ticking, or distant traffic.

  • 3 Ways You Can Move Your Body: Move three parts of your body. For example, wiggle your toes, rotate your shoulders, or blink your eyes.

This method helps bring your mind back to the present moment, reducing anxiety.

How can I make my anxiety attacks go away?

There are several strategies you can use to manage and reduce anxiety attacks:

  • Talking About Feelings: Sharing your feelings with a trusted friend or mental health professional can provide immediate relief.

  • Breathing Exercises: Techniques like deep breathing or the 4-7-8 method can help calm your nervous system.

  • Exercise: Light physical activity like walking or yoga releases endorphins, which can improve your mood.

  • Sleep: Getting enough rest is crucial for mental health. Aim for 7-9 hours of quality sleep each night.

  • Healthy Diet: Eating balanced meals can keep your energy levels stable and reduce anxiety.

What are the symptoms of a panic attack?

Panic attacks can be intense and frightening. Common symptoms include:

  • Racing Heartbeat: Your heart may feel like it's pounding out of your chest.

  • Dizziness: You may feel lightheaded or faint.

  • Loss of Control: A sense of losing control or going crazy.

  • Sweating: Excessive sweating, even in cool conditions.

  • Shortness of Breath: Difficulty breathing or feeling like you can't get enough air.

These symptoms usually peak within 10 minutes and subside after 5 to 30 minutes. While scary, panic attacks are not dangerous and won't cause lasting harm.

Next, we'll dive deeper into how to get rid of an anxiety attack with actionable steps.


At Stay Here, we are dedicated to providing comprehensive mental health support and resources to those in need. Our mission is to empower youth by offering practical tools and guidance to manage anxiety, panic attacks, and other mental health challenges.

Suicide prevention is a core focus of our efforts. Through our ACT Suicide Prevention Training, we equip leaders and students with the knowledge to identify and respond to signs of suicidal thoughts. Additionally, we partner with services like BetterHelp to offer free therapy for students in need, ensuring they have access to professional counseling.

Our founder, Jacob Coyne, is passionate about raising awareness and providing support through his work. His book, "Stay Here: Uncovering God's Plan to Restore Your Mental Health," integrates faith-based teachings with practical mental health advice, offering hope and actionable steps for healing.

As a Christian faith-based organization, we believe in the power of community and the strength of faith to overcome life's challenges. Our crisis chat line and other resources are designed to be a voice of hope, reminding everyone that they are not alone and that help is available.

Together, we can create a supportive environment where individuals feel valued, understood, and empowered to thrive. Your story isn't over yet, and the world is better with you in it. Let's take this journey together, one step at a time.

For more information and resources, visit our church resources page. Choose to stay here and help us build a brighter, suicide-free future.


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